East Barnby Residential

Wednesday, 20th July 2022

The May trip was a highlight of the year for many, so here is a short retrospective as we prepare to say goodbye to our Year 6s. We all packed a stunning variety of activities into the five days away from home and school.

So many of the children showed great courage, kindness and resilience in what was often a first trip away from the comforts of home. All members of staff were really impressed with their attitude and maturity.

Since their return, the children have been making their own mini photo books as souvenirs. They were able to rate and select from the many photographs that were taken during the visit.

Due to the hot weather disruption and other absences, a few children may not have printed their mini photo book before the end of term. The booklets will remain available in Purple Mash until 5th August , when Y6 pupil accounts will be deleted. Log in to generate your PDF and print it out, if you wish.

Here are just some of the highest rated photos from each of the different activities.

Beck Scrambling





Beach Games

Evening Entertainments

The dry ski slope was also very popular. You can see why!

Scroll down for even more photos…

Page created 20.07.22, updated 21.07.22. Back to top