History Day - Year 5

Monday, 1st July 2024

During the History Day event, pupils embarked on an education walking tour around Malton town, focusing on its history during the era of the transatlantic slave trade.


The groups explored various historical sites, engaging in informative discussions about Malton’s economic and social ties to the slave trade.

The tour included a visit to key landmarks such as the market square, where goods produced by enslaved labour such as sugar and tobacco, were likely traded. The guide highlighted the town’s connections to global trade networks that involved slavery, emphasising how local merchants and traders participated in the distribution of these goods.

The tour also touched upon the local response to the abolition movement, visiting sites where reformers and abolitionists may have campaigned for the end of slavery, reflecting the changing attitudes of the period.

Overall, the History Day provided an enriching experience, fostering a deeper understanding of Malton’s history. Pupils gained a nuanced perspective on how global historical events influenced local history.

Page created 01.07.24, updated 17.07.24. Back to top