Whitby Trip

Wednesday, 5th June 2024

Those of our Year 6, who are not away at East Barnby, took a bus trip to Whitby.

They were able to see, at first hand, one of the coastal towns they had studied in their geography and computing lessons, noting the features of the coastline and the impact of human settlement.

On the beach, looking for pretty stones, fossils and sea glass was a popular activity. Others tested their skill at building sea defences, noting how their sand sea walls reflected wave energy back to sea (not for long, though). Watch a video of the sand sea wall facing the incoming tide.

After a delicous chip shop dinner, we took a short walk to the Whitby Whalebone Arch and learned somethingabout the gruesome history of the whaling industry.

Page created 05.06.24, updated 05.07.24. Back to top