Start here to find out about school meals at our school.
For children in Years 3 to Year 6, the cost for school dinners is £1.40 per day. For children in Nursery, the cost is £2.40.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school meals. Children in other year groups may also be eligible. More information is available here.
ParentPay is used to pay for all school meals and we ask that you pay for all meals in advance.
Whilst we feel that all children benefit from a freshly cooked meal at lunchtime, we understand that some parents prefer to send in a packed lunch.
If this is the case, we ask that you provide a healthy lunch which includes a balanced variety of food groups. Sweets and fizzy drinks are not allowed. Please include a drink of water to keep your child hydrated throughout the day. This also applies to packed lunches for educational visits.
If your child forgets his or her packed lunch, we will try and contact you. If we are unable to do so we will supply a school lunch for which you will be required to pay.
To care for our children with allergies we ask that nuts (including chocolate spreads with nuts in) are avoided at all times.
We provide all children with free fruit and milk after morning break. Fruit is also available during lunchtime as an alternative to the cooked pudding available.