Role of Governors

An important part of the role of the governing body is to help set the vision and values for the school, and the policies and procedures that act as a framework for how the school is run. The daily management of the school is the responsibly of the Headteacher.
At Norton CP. the full governing body meet six times a year to discuss and agree the school’s business. In addition, our School Improvement Committee meets three times a year to monitor progress, review policies and make recommendations. These cover:

  • Finance & Staffing
  • Assessment & Curriculum
  • Health, Safety & Premises
  • Pupils
  • Headteacher Performance Management

The primary role of the governing body is to help the school provide the best possible education for their pupils by:

  • Thinking and working strategically to help raise standards
  • Monitoring and evaluating progress towards the school’s priorities and targets
  • Supporting the head and staff as well as challenging their expectations – called being a critical friend
  • Accounting to all stakeholders for the school’s overall performance and for the decisions they have made

Monitoring activity

One of the key functions of the governing board is to undertake strategic monitoring activity – the purpose of which is to triangulate information shared with governors by the SLT.

The governing board undertakes a wide range of monitoring activities including:

  • Monitoring visits to school to meet with subject leads and discuss aspects of the SDP
  • Inviting members of the SLT and Subject leads to governing board and committee meetings to report on key areas.

EYFS – Shannon Roberts

To have contact with school each half term and to prepare and present a termly EYFS Report to the full governing body.

SEND/Pupil Premium/LAC – Sarah Bogg

To have contact with school each half term and to prepare and present a termly SEND Report to the full governing body.

CURRICULUM – Sally Hindle

To have contact with school each half term and to prepare and present a termly CURRICULUM Report to the full governing body. This should include links to the budget and how curriculum resources are funded.

FINANCE – Sarah Bogg

To have contact with school each half term and to be involved with the School Improvement Committee, with a particular focus on Finance.

HEALTH AND SAFETY – Andrew Plummer

To have contact with school each half term and to be involved with the School Improvement Committee, with a particular focus on Health and Safety.

SAFEGUARDING – Bisola Babalola

To have contact with school each half term and prepare and present a termly Safeguarding Report to the full governing body.

Page created 31.01.22, updated 07.03.24. Back to top