At Norton we believe Communication and Language is key to a child’s learning, understanding and development. We provide a communication friendly environment in order to support the communication and language skills of young children in our Foundation Stage. All children are screened on entry to identify any risk of speech and language delay. Identified children are given targeted support to develop individual needs.
We currently use WellComm as a targeted intervention for speech and language in FS1 and all children are screened during Autumn Term. Staff are also trained to deliver Early Talk Boost when necessary for specific needs.
In FS2 all children are screened using Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) and specially trained teaching assistants deliver the interventions. We also use WellComm as an intervention when needed for specific needs.
We use a range of practical resources to promote listening and attention, talking, social communication and understanding. We work closely with parents to share tips on how they can support speech and language development at home.